Short Take Off test


New member
I had felt that it took exceeding long to get my O-200 powered 7ECA off the ground. Grass or hard surface.

Today, I flew into a private grass strip where a friend keeps a O-235 powered 7ECA. We were discussing take off distance and methods, so we climbed in his so he could show me how he does a short take off in his bird.

He uses a 3 point take off attitude and got off pretty quick. We watched how many lights he passed along the runway. He lifted off at the 3rd light, about 600 ft.

I hopped in mine (alone as I was heading home) and decided to give it a try. To my surprise, I was off between the 2nd and 3rd lights, about 500 ft. I was alone, so the weight was lower, but I was really surprised how quick it got off.

Just one more thing learned about my little bird.

With a little STOL technique, a worn out 150HP Lyc, and 2 notches of flaps, the '70 GCBC got me airborne in around 200'. Apples to oranges I know, but these airplanes are excellent short field birds.
Yes, I drool at night for the extra horsepower. :D

I still was pleased with getting it in the air at 500ft. Full disclosure, only me inside, about 15 gal fuel, and a day in the low 60's. Still, a LOT shorter than I ever got off previously.
