Go fly the plane and work on your technique. Please understand, I'm not bashing, but it's 90% pilot and 10% plane almost always. Try keeping it in 3 point, then do another where you raise the tail and see which is better. Since you've got flaps, it should leap off the ground. Try using them to your advantage; as you advance the throttle hold full forward stick, as soon as you hit full throtle, pull full flap and back on the stick. Think of it like; both hands forward, both hands back in the span of about 3 seconds. That is usually the quickest way I can get a GCBC airborn, then setup Vx.
Gadgets don't make the plane, pilots do; BUT Vg's are worth their weight in gold when it comes to low speed handling. Which would you rather do; spend 3Grand on STUFF that you have to maintain and install, or $3000 on gas while you fly and practice? I choose to go flying. :wink:
Set airmanship goals and strive to achieve them, you'll be a better all-around pilot in the end.