Shoulder Harness


New member
Does anyone have a shoulder harness system with inertial reels? If not, do you find that you are restricted in your movement if the shoulder harness is only adjustable on the straps themselves.

Ditto. I got the "Sport" model, as the Aerobatic version is far too big; the web is too wide and heavy for comfortable cruising.
We've put a few inertia reels in and they are always a disappointment.
The geometry of the cabin doesn't allow for the size and type you need. You end up with this giant black 'box' thing behind the pilot's head floating in space, practically. It barely gives the travel he needs while giving the rear passenger something to hit his head on when getting in or out.
In acrobatics, they don't help much. A jerk is required to get them to lock. Although the lap belt does most of the work in acro.

So, yeah, its possible. I rate them as a 'meh'.
On a different question about shoulder harnesses, I purchased a retrofit set of belts and harnesses from Wag Aero for my 1965 7ECA.

I have not tried to install them yet. My plane does not have the sky light. The front shoulder harness attaches to the wing spar carry through.

Has anyone installed these without removing the headliner? Or for that matter installed them at all? Any tips and cautions would be appreciated.

This is my 2nd reply to a post of yours. Seems like we have the same issues or mind set. I have a 67 ECA. Don't want to damage the headliner but want a 5 point.
I visited the American Champion factory after Oshkosh and asked about installation of aftermarket harnesses and they confirmed the headliner is difficult to salvage and also difficult to replace without recovering the outside.

So far my harnesses are sitting in a box, and waiting for me to do something.