Shoulder Harnesses


New member
I know there have been a couple of threads on installing shoulder harnesses for the 14-19 series, but the links in most of them are no longer valid. I'm thinking about adding shoulder harnesses to 8861R and wanted some opinions on what worked / didn't work. Based on how far forward I have to lean to reach the flap / gear handles, I'm leaning towards inertial reel instead of a fixed harness. Otherwise, it seems like I'm going to have a fairly loose harness right when I'm close to the ground and most likely to need the restraint.

I know the factory offers a service kit that provides tabs to be welded plus paperwork. Does anyone have pictures of such an install? Anyone have experience with the installation on a plane that was pretty much intact (ie, how much interior was destroyed in the process)? When calling around to get an estimate on the belts (since the factory kit only includes tabs and paperwork), a couple people suggested that one could use clamps instead of welding and avoid the major alteration of welding. Anyone go this route? If you did use the tabs, any recommendations for sourcing the belts?

I have a marginal quality 1992 vintage blueprint for the Sholder Harness install that was performed on 7655B. It includes inertial reels and welded tabs. The install was done by a previous owner and prior to the interior install so I have no idea what it would take afterward. We did replace the AN4 bolts that attached the reels to the welded tabs and it wasn't too bad.
The part numbers for the assemblies appear to be from American Saftey Corp in Glendale. When I called the current AMSAFE folks looking for a replacement inertial reel cover, the part numbers did seem to jive with their current information. They are also not equipped to talk to individual owners and only wholesale. They really prefer you to talk to a distributer who in turn don't seem to know or care much about Bellancas...
I have attached a scan of the partlist from the blue print. Sorry for the quality. I tried to tweak it up in Photoshop but the original is just not very clear.
Have you called the guy that advertises on our flymart? He sells brackets and a copy of his 337 for a Viking. It might work for a Master. I have fixed harness,s in my Cruisair and cant reach the flap handle if I use them. Not a lot of good in the pattern.______Grant.
I have fixed double shoulder harness in my 14-13-2. It is only possible to reach the flap handle if I keep the right side of the double harness extremely loose, and the lap belt looser than normal. Not very safe, but readily tightenable for a forced landing - safe as a six gun with 3 bullets.

My harness was installed by cutting into the existing headliner... so had to have been done with clamps. Overall better than a sharp stick in the eye, but neandrathal compared to inertial reels.
I installed intertia reels to fabricated brackets which were attached to steel tubes behind both front seats in my 17-30. FSDO approved via FAA Form 337. Total cost for the project was approx. $1300.