Snake Bit Again, Alas

Jonathan Baron

New member
I've recently relocated from Snohomish, WA to Charlottesville, VA. My buddy, Russell, was going to ferry my RuseMaster here, as I did not have the time to do so (starting a new job and all). The "new" power pack failed...this time with the gear stuck DOWN thank goodness. It seems the pack I bought had been fooled with before and cannot be rebuilt.

Lesson here - once again I tried to save money in a stupid fashion. Power Packs Plus had a 750N overhauled pack. I didn't buy it because it cost 2200 bucks. Then again, the pack I purchased could not have passed muster as a core, thus adding two grand to the total but I could not have known that at the time. My original pack, a 750B, was useless as a core anywhere.

Okay...I guess that's not really the lesson. If your pack quits either get it overhauled or, if you buy a used one, get it overhauled. Anything less is simply a false economy. The fellow who sold me the used pack was not to blame here. He sent it to me without requiring payment unless I could make use of it. Had I sent it to an overhaul shop, rather than relying on shop mechanics to test it, I could have resolved the problem and sent the pack back.

Poor Russell is now stuck with getting my Bellanca repaired. He found a place - Oregon Air Parts (although they're located in California) that has cores. It sends them to an overhaul shop in Canada and gets a three day turn around.

Or so they say....we'll see. Me, I'm feeling a bit stupid yet again, yet I cling to hope that one day I'll be able to just fly the danged airplane :oops:

Hi Jonathan,

With your plane's hydraulic experience I suppose it is premature to count the new pack as a success, however I think it is going to work out fine. By the end of next week your 14-19 should have:

Freshly overhauled -2 Stratopower hydraulic pump
Freshly cleaned and purged hoses, lines, and reservoir
Freshly rebuilt and repainted hydraulic actuator cylinders
Freshly rebuilt -2 valve pack
No more randomly placed check valves in the system!

It is such a relief to find a drama-free, Bellanca-compatible hydraulic parts and overhaul shop.

Gee, with all the -2 parts in your landing gear maybe that's a hint that you should have bought a 14-19-2 from the get-go! :wink:
"Gee, with all the -2 parts in your landing gear maybe that's a hint that you should have bought a 14-19-2 from the get-go!"

Touche' Mr. Williams :D