snap rolls in 7ECA

I hear so many opinnions on the subject of is it or is it not safe to do snap rolls. or will it not do a snap roll without overstressing or does the wings flex to much or don't they. It is mind boggling to me to try and figure out if I can do the approved manuvers in my 7ECA with out it blowing up!.I know there are many factors like ,condition of the plane, pilot skills, and so on. I said all that to ask this question: Can a properly maintained 7ECA with a competent pilot at the controls do all the manuvers approved for the aircraft without worrying about your day turning into a very bad one. Im hoping Jerry will comment and others with lots of aerobatics in citabrias.

Gene Monteleone
Mt Vernon, TX

Your properly maintained and inspected 7ECA is perfectly capable of and safe for snap rolls.

The only issue I have heard of is possible fuel tank leaks as a result. This has been noted on Decathlons and, I believe,
projected onto Citabrias

I have heard of no 7 series aircraft having this problem.

I no longer do snap rolls in my 7ECA. That decision was not made because I felt that they were unsafe, I just did not want to take the chance of causing a fuel tank leak.

Hope this helps,