Snap rolls?


New member
I just read an article where the pilot talked about running into mechanical problems with doing snap rolls in Decathlons and Super Decathlons- specifically problems with the wings and fuel tanks. I have also had pilots tell me it's not a big deal as long as your airspeed is low. Any thoughts by experienced Decathlon pilots one way or the other?
Heard this many times also but I have never had an issue with snaps in my 76 8k.

Slow speed? kind of relative isn't it. Snap rolls work best for me by nosing up from level flight to let the speed bleed back to 80mph then lower the nose back to level-let airspeed climb to 90 then full up elevator and full rudder same time and fast ( right seems to go better) but left is fun too! . normal spin recovery as you approach level after the horizontal spin. yee ha!
i have never experienced a problem doing snaps in any of the citabria models i have flown or instructed in. i do and teach snaps as described by acrodisiac in the previous post, with one exception. when rolling to the left, you can "speed" up the roll by applying max power at the same instant you apply elevator/rudder. to help it along even a little more, apply full aileron in the roll direction. nothin but fun when done correctly.
I agree CFIGUY. full power helps going left but if you catch the 90mph mark during the acceleration from 80 (not holding at 90) then the acceleration tends to make the left snap as clean as the right. You just have to catch that momentum, but as you said power works too.
i couldn't agree more, it's just that "catching the speed" is harder to do that just throwing in the power. i like to try different ways to speed up the manuver. the best way i've found so far is to do them in a pitts LOL!!!
keep on rolling!!!!