So it's not nosewheel shimmy!


New member
Not long after I got it, I noticed that I could feel a vibration in the pedals in my -3 under hard braking. It felt exactly like a slight nosewheel shimmy.
I happened to have a camera mounted under the tail when I aborted a takeoff not long ago, and when I looked at the video I realized that it was the right main shaking!

Here's a link:

Now to figure out how to stop it :D
I guess you aborted because of the pitot cover?

If the shimmy only happens under braking conditions it could certainly be as simple as a warped disk on the right main brake assembly.

gfhawker said:
I guess you aborted because of the pitot cover?

You weren't supposed to notice that :D

Ya my IFR instructor, a retired Southwest pilot, has that whole airspeed-alive-check beat into me now. Before that I would have just gone ahead and flown it, took it off when I landed. He even makes me say "gear up" out loud when we're flying my Skylane. anyway....

I'll check all the usual offenders. I dont think it's the disc, I would imagine I'd feel it wobble at slower speeds but I'll check for it anyway. Bearings might be a little loose maybe.. we'll see.
:idea: Hello So Cal, Ken from Tx here (N8817R just up from Denton TX). Along with the bearings I would check the tire balance,Scissor wear (Nutcracker) and the tightness of the gear/main spar attachment. After flying your plane awhile any tendency for the plane to dart L/R during taxi or T/O or landing?? Cheers Ken :D
kenvolk said:
After flying your plane awhile any tendency for the plane to dart L/R during taxi or T/O or landing?? Cheers Ken :D

Nope, tracks straight as an arrow. The more I fly this plane, the more impressed I get with it's performance. Saturday while about 150 lbs short of gross, I out-climbed an RV-6A. then after meeting up to take a few snapshots, left him behind...