Solvent for fabric cement


New member
I'm in the proceess of recovering my 7ECA, 1974, original fabric.

I'm stripping fabric off the control surfaces at the moment and I'm wondering what is a good solvent for softening the cememt used to cement the fabric to the structure. I've tried MEK and that doesn't seem to work very well. (disolves the dope nicely, but not the cememt) I'm guessing that the cement is 3M EC-847, as that is what is specified in the repair manual. Anyone know what the best solvent is?

Getting rid of the old cement was the slowest and worst process when I rebuilt my wings. I was removing a layer of PolyFiber cement, plus something beneath that. Here's what worked best.

Cut strips of terrycloth rags to fit the parts to strip. Pour some MEK (sometimes acetone worked better, sometimes paint stripper) in a bucket. Soak each rag and lay it over the surface. Immediately cover each rag with saran wrap or light plastic sheeting to minimize evaporation.

After a while (5-20 minutes, depending on the solvent), check your first rag and see if you can wipe, scrub or scape off the old junk.

Heavy latex gloves (dishwashing grade) held up the best.
