Someone help please with transponder choices


New member
After reading and researching for far too long, I am still confused. My transponder (TR661) crapped out, and I really need to upgrade it. The original installation included an accessory Mode C altitude input. I'd just as soon jettison both and replace it with a mode-c capable transponder. This is where I got confused.

In shopping, I found a number of King units like the KT-76a. Apparently these do not report altitude without an encoding altimeter as part of the system. Is this true?

Is there such a thing as a transponder that will encode (Mode C) all by itself? I'm sure there is.

I am looking for a basic unit (Mode A/C) that will let me pretty much do the VFR pleasure flying that I look forward to. Does anyone have any suggestions, especially ones that can be picked up as clean, used yellow-tagged units. Thank you all.
The KT76A requires an encoding altimeter for mode C operation. I know, because I've got one...

I don't know that there is a transponder/encoding altimeter combination on the market. There may be a reason for it. I would guess if you combined the units, you'd have something larger and since space on the panel is usually precious they aren't combined. The encoding altimeter I've got is about half the size of the KT76A and is tucked away out of sight.

I'd probably start looking at your local avionics shops first. Those are very popular units and they should have one or two yellow-tagged units available.

My Decathlon came with a King KT76A and remote Altitude Encoder. I switched out the King for a Garmin GTX 327 and used the existing Altitude Encoder. So I have a slightly used (100 hrs TT) King xponder for sale. I'll also say that I much prefer the Garmin.

Email me at I have a yellow tag KT76a collecting dust I will give you for shipping.
