Something weird, really weird


New member
I had to drain the tanks today to service the fuel shutoff valve. Refilled the right tank with 5 then 10 gals fuel. Gas would not flow through the open gascolator and open shut off valve(left tank emtpy).Gas caps off so I'm thinking not vent related.(I'm probably wrong) Anyway my mechanic said when we lift up the tail the gas would flow and it did. So I filled the tanks 3 hrs after and determined a 1 gal per hour crossfeed between tanks. In the recent past I have had the unequal feed problem temporarily corrected with new caps but the problem is returning. The big question is, When one tank runs dry will the other tank feed. One gal crossfeed pr hour won't do it. What do you think?
You shouldn't need it to crossflow, but mine crossflows a LOT faster than that. I think that a clogged feed line from one sounds more likely?