spade location on 7eca


New member
i am looking at a 7eca, and the spades are on the outboard edge of the aileron. i have never seen them located outboard before. can someone shead some light on this for me? Thanks
STC spades from Olin Pash are inboard. ACA spades on metal spar wings are outboard. By putting the spade outboard, you get a little better flow to them. Also, the 'counter moment' is applied at the opposite end of the push rod. If you look at things aeroelastically, this reduces twisting on the aileron.
Hi Jerry Jr..... If the spades work better on the outside of the ailerons then why does my SD have the spades located on the inboard side?....Is it because they are visually more esthetic in that location?......

Tom 151pc

Basically the 8KCAB spades are just the Marion Cole STC directly incorperated into the TC data. Just one of those things that did not get changed.

And outboard is better, but its not a big enough deal that its worth moving.