Spanwise glue lines?


New member
Has anyone seen a glue line (dark line running span-wise) such as the one shown on this photo showing the front face of the spar ?
It was taken from the (Rainbow)inspection panels above the left wing.

It seams as though two pieces were laminated to form a complete spar. I have not been able to find photos of similar glue joints and it
does not look like any glue joints I have seen in AC 43.13 or any other documentation.


maybe send pics and ask Ron at
He has wood spar experience.
Bill B
Hi Bill,

Spoke with Ron today. He says it was common place for the factory to laminate some spars so as to make the most use of the available wood.

My spar looks fine otherwise. No signs of compression failure or cracking so far.

Huh. I wonder if this only became common practice as years went on and aviation grade lumber became harder to find. I wouldn't think that it would make much difference in strength seeing as wood does not function like aluminum
Champion Company and Bellanca built both solid and laminated spars. They also spliced them to use the shorter lengths. Ask me how I know...