Spell check


New member
What is the chance of getting a spell checker on this site? My spelling is really bad . I am not a cumputor person so I don't know all the problems it would intale. Have a nice day. :lol: :lol:
Dear Randy:

This board is based on the phpBB software, which does not offer a spell-checker at the present. One of my old tricks is to open another window in Word (or any other word processor), compose, spell-check, then cut-and-paste.

However, there is not much point to it, as you come across clearly, spelling notwithstanding.


If you're determined to run spell check, first type your message in a program that has a spell checker in it, like WORD, or NOTEPAD if you're a Microsoft kind of guy.

After typing your message in the word processor program, run that program's Spell Check on it and fix the mistakes. After that it's a simple matter to cut n paste your message onto the Forum. You can add Emoticons after you paste it in.


I already have whiteout all over my screen, Do you know what my wife would say if she found glue on the screen? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Heck, when you post a message here there is a field to select font "colour." Yeah, I know our neighbors to the north think nothing of that :)