J-P, did you know that the FAA now lets you install an AOA (angle of attack Indicator), with no STL, or field approval? Several available for the home built market.
Bill B
Bill B, AOA is a nice feature, but does not make noise. The idea on stall warning indicator is you know you are getting close to the stall during aerobatic manoeuver, without looking inside.
I saw on Aircraft Spruce web site a stall warner indicator 164R complete kit at almost $3000.00
Is that possible?
Is it that price at ACA?
Is the AOA cheaper? Can you see the indication when you do aerobatic?
The stall indicator from Aircraft Sruce is almost 10% of the aircraft value!!!
This is a good new Jerry Jr,
How can i reach Chad?
Is he working for ACA?
If you prefer you can send me his coordonate to bernier58@live.ca
If my citabria pass the inspection for acrobatic, I may order one.