

I don't know about an existing template, but when we reinstalled and recovered after repairing the right fuel tank we repainted ourselves. I took a tape and measured the left wing and laid out the scheme on the right. Except for the stars themselves, everything is a straight line with a beginning and an end.

If you are having a shop paint it, any decent shop should be able to lay out the scheme from a photo.

Here is what the top of ours looks like.
Ron, thanks!, that is a great picture and answered a question I had about the stars. The points of the stars on my old covering were different withs and looked amateurish. After seeing your pic, I think I can pull it off!

Does anyone know the size of the three stars (tip-to-tip) on the top of the wing, and the three smaller stars on each of the tail surfaces? This would be the standard starburst design, not the newer "stretched" stars.

Larry Clark
N8560V soon to be N299LC
All paint scheme drawings are available from American Champion at a very reasonable cost; these are not in color. Got mine before the first recover.