Still Waiting for my Cruisair


New member
Bellanca Buds:

I agreed to purchase a 1947 14-13-2 back in August but a series of delays over the past 2 1/2 months have resulted in an excruciating wait for my "new" Bellanca. It appears that the nagging problems from a rough running Franklin are nearing resolution and I stand to take delivery in a week or two. Sitting for a number of months with some questionable fuel appears to have resulted in some deteriorated seals in the carb and a disintegrated fuel filter that fouled out the carb jets. The carb and fuel pump have now been rebuilt. If it all checks out, the owner is having it delivered here to its new home in Minnesota.

I contemplated giving up on the whole deal but every time I really think about all the airplane I'm getting, I decide it is worth the wait. Still, it kills me when the cool, clear days and nights of a beautiful Minnesota autumn are slipping away before my eyes. Migrating geese are bailing out around me, formations headed south away from Old Man Winter. I'm jealous.

I've gone flying with a friend a few times in a rented Archer but Pipers and Cessnas are so lacking in character and fun that it doesn't do much for me. For my sanity's sake I have to remind myself of everything this Cruisair has and what it will mean to my flying.

So here I sit, holding out for the day..... I'll be a Bellanca owner soon enough...

Thanks for listening


If it's any comfort, I'm going through the same thing in that my Cruisair at Fleming still doesn't have the engine on and I think I won't get it together until the end of November.

Anyway it will be worth it when you get your 14-13 up. You're quite right; I'm convinced that there are very few airplanes as cool as the Cruisair, and I haven't even flown one yet! Let me know when yours arrives.


Kent Berdahl
Bought mine in April and I've had it in the shop 100 times longer than in the air. It's a bit like golf though, once you get it in the air its's worth it.
Bellanca Drivers:

After an excrusiating wait since Labor Day, my new 1947 Cruisair finally arrived!! It made the trip across from Maine to Minnesota over two days, arriving to a chilly Airlake Airport this past Friday. I look forward to many adventures with my new Cruisair and hope to meet up with other owners and enthusiasts across the Midwest.

This week will I commence my insurance-required training and really get to know this unique bird.

Happy Landings!!

Bellanca 14-13-2 Cruisair Senior.
I hope you find someone with time in type. There have been a few out there that teach without knowing what the plane can do. :lol: :lol: