Student needing help


New member
Hello All

I am a first year AnP student here in Anchorage Alaska. This semester quite a few of my labs and home work is centring on one of the schools little Citabria's. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that would be willing to help me out with this little critter. Right now I'm working on the fuels sytem schematic and fuel strainer r&r. We have 1 one these planes and I'm fighting with 15 other students over the owners and maint manuals for this plane. Just too many students and not enough resources. If there is anyone out there who can help me out at all I would really appreciate it.
Thank You

I have a champ and live in the vally but plane is in willow if i can help in any way please call me 354-1137
davyonne said:
Hello All

If there is anyone out there who can help me out at all I would really appreciate it.
Thank You


WHat sort of help are you looking for? I have an ECA currently at Merrill FIeld, but soon to shed it's wings and dissaper into my shop.
kmielke said:
I have a champ and live in the vally but plane is in willow if i can help in any way please call me 354-1137

Hi thank you for responding. My computer was messed up and I just got it back last night. Or I would have responded sooner. I live in the valley too, that is very cool.
Right now if my fuels class my current projects are to draw an actual fuel sytem schematic and reference the it's compliance with FAR's. The other project is to remove and service the fuel strainer and replace it. Then again I have to write a paragraph on what I did and the FARS on that stuff too.
Would you be willing to allow me to look over you plane and Guinea pig it to a point? On the strainer part I just need to basically locate it and eye ball the r&r. I'm in class mon-thur until about 5:30. But I am free every weekend. I can be reached on my cell at 841-8452 or at home 376-8568. Thank you so muchfor offering to help me out.

My Citabria is now in my garage, and I'm in the process of stripping the fabric off, so pretty much the whole fuel system is acessible. I haven't dismantled any of the fuel system, except disconnect the fuel lines at the wing roots to get the wings off and disconnect the line from the strainer to the carb to take the engine off. Everything else is in place. I'm located in Anchorage. If you're interested in taking a look at it, give me a call 522-4378. I'm generally around evenings and some days. Please don't call after 7 pm today (Sunday) as I have a flight very early Monday and hope to be asleep by then.

you are welcom to dig in and poke around as long as your not with the faa LOL do you have your piolets license? with this weather we should be flying!!
Thank you Andrew. I have your number in my cell. I am in class all day today. I won't be done until around 530 or so. Would it beall right to call around 6? Maybe I can get a peek at it this weekend. Or sooner if that would be better for you. Its hard for me to get on this site during the day but I can check my email every hour or so. Its

Kmielke, nope not with the FAA. Just a lowly student. LOL In an over crowded under resourced class. LOL But I guess thats to be expected.

In all honesty Guys I need all sorts of help this semester. Its kicking my butt. Please feel free to contact me at my regular email. OPEN INVITE TO ANYONE WHO THINKS THEY CAN OR IS WILLING TO HELP ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, looks like you got this one covered, but if I could help, I have a '70 7ECA @ six mile. in anchorage. Tony 317-9632