sudden wing low


New member
1975 7GCBC, I've suddenly developed a right wing low attitude in flight. Along with new vibration through out the airframe. I thought maybe it was a fuel issue but with full tanks to make sure its balanced it still does it. With ball center and trimmed for level flight I let go of stick and it instantly starts a right turn with it progresivly gets worse. I have new airframe vibration at all RPM settings. Both left and right struts vibrate. Engine checks ok for mags, spark plugs etc.

Any ideas???
I think the vibration was spark plug issue. I had just clean them all and it appeared that I accidently got 'neversieze' on the tip of one. As far as wing low I've been trying to adjust the struts to see if this helps. The only thing I havent figued out is why is all of a sudden.
Chech the flaps see if a spacer has come out, if not I think I would be looking at the tail section real hard. :idea: :idea: :idea:
Check your carpeting. The front carpet on mine wadded up around one of the rudder pedals. I had full travel of the rudder, but there was just enough resistance to keep the rudder from centering on its own. Unwadded it and the problem went away. I hope your fix is as easy.

do your ailerons appear to be evenly lined up? Might check out the tail wires and see if they are tight and even.
I would also look at the elevators and see that there has'nt been any bending going on there. Check out the angle in a full flair configuration and do a comparison.
I am really interested in what you find here.
I have the same thing going on, but left wing low. Mine is not all the time. It seems to come and go. I have a '76 7GCBC.

Joe in MT.
I have seemed to cure mine by adjusting the wing strut, flying it, adjusting again several times. All seems good so far
I have the same problem. After doing a couple of stalls the aircraft was yawing to the left. I am thinking it is the engine lord mounts. They need replacing and I will be doing that soon. Can't find anything else wrong with the plane. 69 7KCAB