"Summer-ize" plane?


New member
I'm getting an all expenses paid vacation to Iraq this summer for a few months and other than putting my KCAB on a battery tender, anything else during the warm summer months I should do while it isn't going to be flying to even running?

At the very least, change the oil just prior to departing. You want the minimum of combustion by products in the oil. Depending on the length of your deployment and storage climate, you may consider other measures to preserve the engine. Lycoming has a SB for long term storage.
I would recomend that you change oil and put in AeroShell Fluid 2F, it is designed to prevent corrosion while the engine is inactive for months. http://www.shell.com/business-customers/aviation/aeroshell/aeroshell-hydraulic-fluid/fluids-and-preservatives-2f.html
If you have it stored in a humid area of the country I would consider this mandatory, as Lycomings are prone to cam and lifter rust when not flown regularly.
I would also remove the top spark plugs and install descant plugs, and securely tape the exhaust pipe closed.
The Lycoming Service Letter is: SL 180B.
Bill becker
In an effort to take all good advice I pulled my battery before I left, which was a good thing there was a fair amount of corrosion on it. I'm looking to replace it with a dry cell, what would you guys recommend? Is there a cross reference for the size comparison as well to make sure it fits in the battery box? I have a Gill G-35.

I second the above. Change oil, add cam guard and storage lube, run for 1 hour of flight.
Pull top plugs and install descant (silica) plugs to pull any moisture.
close throttle and tape over carb opening
Tape over exhaust pipes.
Turn off fuel and drain your gascolator
Store with both fuel tanks 100% topped off (will prevent moisture and corrosion).
Remove battery from plane and leave on float charger (only if it has auto off).

I got a similar 7 month paid vacation last year and that is what I did.
Good luck and stay safe
-Adam Jones
Install an Odyssey SBS J16 dry cell battery, and if you still have the old rubber battery box replace it with the new ACA metal box. The SBS J16 will save you 10 pounds. This is what ACA now uses in there new airplanes so all you need is a log entry.
Bill B