Sun and Fun 2015


New member
It may be a little early, but I am curious who is planning to go to Sun and Fun this year. Generally, they hold it the last week of tax filing season and since I am a CPA, that lets me out. However, this year is April 21-26, so I am planning to go and camp for a few days. :lol: I also have a friend with a 74 ECA who is planning to go as well. I am not sure what days we'll be going, but at least a few.

Who else is planning to fly in?

Two weeks until Sun and Fun. It looks like my friend and I will not be there until Friday mid day and through sometime Sunday.

As far as I know, we'll be camping in the general aviation camping area. If you come by and see out two Citabrias, stop by and say hello. That is of course, if we are not out drooling over the other airplanes.

I will be flying down on Monday the 20th in a 7...67. However, I will be skipping town on Saturday flying back in a different 7...67. :D
I sure hope the weather next week is better than this week. I am going to try to make it down and camp in Vintage :) I took the back seat out, cut me some foam to fit and slept last Friday night in the plane as a trial run. The rear bars are a little less than convenient but it works OK.
I don't think that would work for me. At 6'2" and 230, I don't think I would be comfortable in any position back there. I am taking a small tent.

I may be carrying my friend's gear along with mine as third friend is planning to fly with him.

We will be camping in the general area since his Citabria is a 1974 and doesn't meet the criteria for the vintage area.

I sure hope the weather clears. The long range forecast doesn't look good at this point.

Based on the weather forecasts, I have decided to drive my camper to Sun N Fun rather than fly my Citabria. :|
Robert, it was great to finally meet you down at Sun N Fun. Sorry we didn't get to spend more time shooting the breeze, but I understand you wanting to leave Saturday.

Chris had to do some significant scud running south of Cross City today on the way home, so I am glad I didn't fly. We had some mechanical issues driving home as it was.

Hope we can get together at one of the breakfast fly ins.

Dale, Likewise it was great to finally meet and attend a stick and rudder forum together!

Weather was OK for me returning Saturday but I lost my charging system and my battery ran down. The nice people in Lake City let me borrow a battery charger for a couple hours to get the battery back enough to get started up and out of that controlled airport. I flew most of the way home with the Master off to conserve power. No big deal.

I ran into Kevin Lacey and Heather Sterzick of Airplane Repo. Nice people who are dedicated to promoting aviation! >>>Note I'm wearing my Aeronca Avaitors Shirt<<<
Consider converting to an alternator system rather than repairing the generator system.

My generator died on the way home from purchasing the plane. Never even considered repairing the generator. Yes, there is an upfront conversion cost, but the benefits are worth it.

Nice photo. I did not get back to any of the other seminars. Rose and I covered the entire vendor area twice. We sat with Chris and his grandson in the shade of his CItabria's wings Saturday afternoon and evening for the airshows.

I mentioned to Chris that we had been trying to get together for a pancake breakfast fly in. He said to let him know and we could make it a Citabria fly in. :D

Take care.

Robert, Nice photos in the latest BC Contact. Only problem is that mine wasn't there to be in the photos. :cry:

Yeah it was great to get the photo credits and have my plane in the BC Contact. Sun N Fun was great. I had not been in many years.

My father's 172 was on the cover of Cessna Pilots Association years ago.