Super Decathlon Annual cost


New member
I just got my 1992 Super Decathlon out of its annual and Was Blown away buy the Annual cost almost $4K.
What dose a Supper decathlon annual base rate run?
Not a Decathlon, but my 7ECA takes +-10 hours of labor for the inspection including the spar inspection. Multiply that by the labor rate and you have the inspection cost.

If something is found during the inspection that needs to be addressed you and your mechanic need to discuss this before anything is done. If you decide to do additional work over and above the inspection, that adds to the total cost.

Was something broken?

I am sure we can keep it under $4k at the Factory Repair Station. Our flat rate is $850 for the annual; not including the fixing of broken stuff.

Shameless Plug :D
Jerry will be up to see you when I get back from FL.. And I will have ACA do my next annual.
As for the plane there really was not a lot wrong or broken and I did most of the Work AkA opened it up took out the seats and did most of the upgrade ,Gear bolts , Electrical system , battery box Etc.

It comes down to this it was $2K in labor and the rest was parts. I think it was about $500 over what i feel it should have cost but I will say he did some really good repairs on AIr inlet box, and other Items and he let me do a lot of the work , and I am sure I was in his way LOL

When I ask him about the cost he said that my next annual will be more like $600 + what ever needs fixed.