Superior Vantage Engines


New member
Jan. 17 - Santa Fe
Jerry Sr. or Jr.:

What plans if any are there to support the Vantage Engine in light of Superior's bankruptcy ? How many Citabria/Vantage combos are out there ? What engine are you going to now put in the High Country ?

I've enjoyed 260 hours on my Vantage, and its been flawless. The only issues I've had have been with accessories that were not supplied by Superior-Vantage, and it's been the smoothest running recip I've ever flown. Also, if you look closely at the fit and finish, it makes the Lycoming O-360 look pretty sad. You can start and finish your inspection with the oil filler tube.

What a shame. Good folks. Good supprot. Nice product.

PS: While you're at it:

1: For we with CHT gagues, a cowl-flap lever that can be operated from the cockpit would be oh so nice ! I'm tired of flying around with a 3/8ths wrench and Phillips screwdriver out here, where morning temps are about 18F and, as today, it will warm to almost 50F.

2: Also, you might consider using standard Phillips-head screws for the air intake filter housing instead of the Allen-type heads, as removing this item makes it so much easier to get the rubber sleeve on and off when the bottom cowl needs to be removed, and we all have a common Phillips driver.

Thanks -
Jim Robins
We have 2 things going at once.

1) Discussing how much of the project can be mitigated and removed if we add a 180 HP Lycoming in its place. It should be a cake walk, but you never know witht he FAA. (Thats for new planes.)

2) Wait and see. Lycoming is trying to buy the assets. Its good tooling and a separate TC. No one who really knows is saying whether they are spending the 11.5 million to shut the doors....or to make a new 'Superior'....or they just wanted the tooling....who knows. So, just have fun for now. Gotta do something while we wait. :)