Survey: Cracks in Paint

Steve B

New member
I would like to conduct a survey regarding those who own or operate any Citabrias or Decathlons made after 1990 by American Champion.

Have you noticed cracks in the urethane finish that run along the trim tapes? (Trim tapes are typically 2 or 3 inch wide fabric tapes that reinforce the fabric over structural members such as ribs or stringers)

If so, how extensive is the cracking?

Only a few?


If you shine a strong light on a crack and look on the back side of the fabric (such as looking into an inspection hole in the wing) do you see a bright line indicating light is penetrating the paint film coating? You can also do this inspection by parking the airplane in the midday sun and looking into an inspection hole in the underside of the wing, letting your eyes adjust to lower light level inside the wing.

Please answer with as much detail as you like, giving location of any cracking and degree of light penetration if available as well as the year, make and model of your aircraft. You don't have to give out registration details like N-number or your identity.

Those with 1999 to 2002 aircraft are of particular interest but any and all post 1990 aircraft are of interest.

For more information on this subject, please see the posting "serious airworthyness issue" below.

Thankyou very much for your help. Any information you can provide would be of tremendous value in determining the extent of this problem.

So far there are at least two aircraft that have suffered complete failure of the fabric system with many more aircraft reporting cracks in the urethane finish.

I currently do not own or operate any American Champion products, nor do I have any axe to grind with ACA. I did however perform maintenance for a flight school where an inspection I did revealed un-airworthy fabric due to paint cracks on an aircraft that was in service for less than a year. And I would like to know just how extensive this problem is.
Hello Steve B -

Just curious about your survey. What have you found out? Don't own an ACA plane, but have given thought to perhaps buying one later on.

Larry B