I have now checked the tail in all detail. Internal structure with crack detection, replaced bracing wires with round, replaced trim tab with new, checked balancing of elevator and rudder, replaced all bearings, checked pretension of all cables. Everything is OK. Some improvement, i.e. less vibrations can be felt, however still vibrations. One theory now is that a vortex generated from the intersection between gear and fuselage and/or the intersection between the wingstruts and the fuselage (no speed fairings) may hit the tail at high angels of attack. To check this I will tuff the side of the airplane and fly with a chase airplane to see and take pictures. Speed fairings are planned, but no reply yet from ACA
Theory no. 2 is to see if this is a vibration generated by the engine, hitting a resonance in the tail section
So I will measure balancing of engine/propeller and after that try to measure stresses in the aft part of the fuselage with strain guages. Is it possible to put engine mounts with different stiffness?
Comments please