My old 8KCAB Service Manual from '79 specifies the following pressures:
Main: 24 +/- 2 psi
Tail: 40 +/- 5 psi
When I sold my '79 Std D and bought an '07 Super D a few years ago I noticed that it came with tire pressure placards and the tailwheel one was significantly different at 28 psi max. My maintenance organisation has access to the current manual and I only just happened to discuss tire pressure with my mechanic recently. I told him the figures on ACA's website:
Main: 29 +/- 2 psi
Tail: 40 +/- 5 psi
I also noted the tailwheel figure mentioned in the July '15 issue of the B-C Contact magazine: "new 280/250-4 6-Ply Aero Classic tire .... need to be filled to 60 psi .... The handbook is wrong. Even the 4-Ply should be at least 50 psi."