Tail-wheel tire pressure

For what it is worth, I run mine at 50 PSI. Don't know why, but that is what I have always used.

Bill Lokes
I got shimmy at 50psi and went down to 40psi and the shimmy went away. I'm using an Alaska Bush Wheel Scott 3200.
My old 8KCAB Service Manual from '79 specifies the following pressures:
Main: 24 +/- 2 psi
Tail: 40 +/- 5 psi
When I sold my '79 Std D and bought an '07 Super D a few years ago I noticed that it came with tire pressure placards and the tailwheel one was significantly different at 28 psi max. My maintenance organisation has access to the current manual and I only just happened to discuss tire pressure with my mechanic recently. I told him the figures on ACA's website:
Main: 29 +/- 2 psi
Tail: 40 +/- 5 psi
I also noted the tailwheel figure mentioned in the July '15 issue of the B-C Contact magazine: "new 280/250-4 6-Ply Aero Classic tire .... need to be filled to 60 psi .... The handbook is wrong. Even the 4-Ply should be at least 50 psi."