TailWheel Lock Problem. need help


New member
I am 21 years old and bought a '69 Citabria in the fall with my best freind, It has just gotten back in the air from a 2 month Annual and the tailwheel yaw/steering control does not lock into place for right turns.

Example: when taxiing and turning left, when pushing on right rudder, the tailwheel is turned with the rudder deflection. When turning right, only the rudder deflects and the tailwheel stays free.

Anybody have a quick Fix?
preferably cheap, as i am a broke college student and try to do all this stuff myself.

1969 7KCAB

Well I don't quiet understand what your saying , anyway the Scott Tailwheel assembly is really very simple. You can look on this website http://www.avoxsys.com I believe. Look under products then acessories, you'll find a breakdown of the assemblies there. or you can look in Aircraft Spruce. In simple terms a bent flat spring catches in slot's to lock the wheel. Once you take the wheel apart if it is assembled correctly you'll see just how it operates.

Did it work OK before the annual?

There's a Scott troubleshooting guide under "Files" at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CitabriaPilots/

As Woodie suggests - it hasn't been assembled correctly. My guess is that the pawl was left out upon assembly.