Tank Cover Installation..


New member
When I removed the right tank cover there was some filler installed over all the screws that was a pale green color.. anyone know what that is?

It seemed to be perfect. Wasnt cracked or loose yet it was easy to clean out of the screw heads and joint between the cover and wing.. sands nice too.

Had to replace the fuel sender wires. I was able to pull new a new one through on the left tank but the right tank wasnt that easy :)
It might be "Super Fil", which is made by Poly-Fiber. It's a two-part, lightweight filler. I used it when I replaced my wing tank covers. It's good stuff. Doesn't shrink like some plastic fillers, and it's lightweight. Tom Robinson
I used the light weight body filler. It will take a bit more elbow grease to remove it but it isn't too bad and is quite inexpensive. Very little shrinkage and easy to sand.