Temp fuse gear legs


New member

Does anyone have pics of the temp gear legs used for transporting a complete fuse?

Want to have them as ready as possible ahead of time.


Mike, I finally got a working camera and took photos of the temp gear legs. I took photos of 2 different ones and they both have large wheels and tires. One has Cruisair wheels, but since you want to have them ready before you go, I would not recommend trying to use the wheels and tires from the plane you are going to pickup. Pressing axles out of the gear legs can be a real job. Both sets use rather thick angle bar (probably 3/16) and have been cut and welded to move the center of balance forward. Having used these legs, they still are not far enough forward to balance if the engine is still on. Unless you take the engine off, you need to be prepared to weight down the tail. I would not bother to angle a temparary set unless you like to weld. To make them up ahead of time the critical things will be dimentions. The holes thru the forward spar carry thru are 9 and 3/4 inches center to center. The upper hole in the leg cant be more than about 3/4 inch from the inside edge of the steel, or it will be up against the boot cowl. The lower hole is about 1 and 3/4 inch from the edge. Use whatever size tire gives you an axle that wont bend. I once used little tires with 1/2 inch axles and they bent right away. I dont know how to load photos on to this forum, so if you Email me direct, I will send photos later tonight or early tomorrow. <gjordan14132@yahoo.com> They are not great photos, but feel free to load them on this forum if you want. Good Luck, ____Grant.