Thanks for having me in your Club


New member
Hi guy, I am 54 year old pilot with some tricycle experience, newly on tail dragger, but it is a lot of fun. It is a blast indeed!!!
My Decathlon which recently buyed at Indianapolis a ferry it to El Salvador, is a 1976 registration YS767P with a AEIO320 works a bit hot, want to know if any have had experience with the Airwolf oil chiller? or the same issue!
I ll be glad to have some inputs
Have a great day
The tow plane (Scout) at the local glider club uses the oil filter fin cooler, and has had success with it.
The key to getting max oil temp drop is to use the remote oil filter kit, and mount the filter towards the bottom of the cowl, where it will get steady airflow as the air exits.

Otherwise, make sure your baffles are in good shape and sealing well.

Good luck!
I would suggest you have a compression test done specifically looking for blow-by past the compression rings which would cause hi oil temps. Are your cylinder temps normal? If they are high it would also cause oil temps to be hi.
How high are the is the oil temp?
Bill B
Hi guys, I have been out of the fun for a while, I do appreciate your inputs.
The compression are Ok, all above 76. I installed the Airwolf oil fins and I am surprise how much improve the oil temp.