The Price is Right


New member
Ok Boys as you know the prices of planes are at the top of the hill. They are somewhat leveling out. The Cessna 172M is the Gold Standard. I'm curious to know what you owners think the price of your plane is worth. That is what would you sell it for? I'm' more interested in the 14-19-2 like the crate. These are what I call cult planes, you have to want one to own on. I bought the crate 20 years ago for $35K. Over those years I spent triple that to upgrade and maintain. I was thinking $35k would be a good asking price what would you ask? I'm not serious yet about any kind of sell as the crate and I are pretty close. I would like to know other thoughts on their machines. Lynn the crate. :?:
I’d list my -3 for $45k and be thrilled to get $35k. But that’s still way upside down from what I have in the plane. As you said, they’re definitely cult planes.
I have a 14-19 with about 2300 total time and 200 tsmoh on the 0-435. Wonderful plane. I plan to let it go and hope to get 21k for it. Also have a 14-13 with Lyc 0360 at about 450 ttsn and constant speed prop. It is a little faster than the 14-19 at one third less fuel. It is Experimental exhibition. It might be worth a little more than the engine and prop are worth, maybe 19k or so. I have been flying over 40 years and the Bonanza is the only thing that comes close to putting the "happy smile" on my face. Perhaps it is the wood wing, Bellancas are just not worth much considering just how darn good they handle and perform.
Lynn, thanks for breathing some life into the forum and my apology for not being more active myself. Our Cruisemasters have suffered from depressed market values for decades. While there are several contributing factors to this situation it’s my opinion that the perceived value of our fleet could improve given the right commitment from existing owners. Both the fleet of Cruisemasters and Vikings are burdened with the reputation of being unique aircraft that can be bought cheap. Thus they too often attract buyers that want to own and maintain aircraft “on the cheap” and a good portion of the active fleet reflects this. To earn the reputation suggesting that Bellanca aircraft are desirable unique classics a large portion of the fleet needs to reflect a high-end level of mechanical quality and pristine appearance. It takes serious coin to make this happen. In my capacity as the guy that answers the factory phone I have talked to dozens of interested, potential buyers over the months. A good number of these interested parties are ready to spend $50K+ on a quality triple-tail aircraft if they can find one. That being said one could easily sink $50K into a Cruisemaster and still have an aircraft that has a market value of $40K. The delta between the money invested in an aircraft and its market value has to be assigned to the love of the type.
One of the big problems with hour Bellancas is the wood & fabric. You really need to be able to do a lot of your own work. Ask around and see how hard it is to find someone that works on wood and fabric. If you find someone ask how far out they are. All the old guys that did this stuff for a living are passing on. I have a freind out here that is 2 Years out on covering planes for folks. I had a left gear failure a couple months ago on my 14-13-2. It really messed the plane up across the bottom of the fusalage and left wing. The right gear looked down but not the left. I kept it on the runway as long as I could, when it went into the grass the left wing dug in and the plane came off the ground made a 180 and when it SLAMMED down the right gear Sheared in half and went across the bottom and tore things up between the carry thru spars and across the left wing. I had shut the engine off on finale and only hurt one blade. It only cost $300 dallars to fix the blade and inspect the hub.The other problem is finding a hanger for one. As we all know they are not airplanes to be left outside. If anyone knows anybody with any 14-19 gear legs let me know. I might be in the market for a pair. Mine had been converted back in 1967 when they installed the O-360.

You might try a guy named Steve Kimbal for the 14-19 gear. He's moving from New Mexico, and would like to unload a whole airframe, minus prop and eng. His number is (575) 531-2721. I have no idea what condition the gear is in. Tom Robinson