The "Selling" Distraction


New member
I guess the goose isn't going anywhere, either by way of a trade or sale.

And it's not just for the usual franklin/wood wing " reasons", but because there are simply better looking bellancas offered
at astoundingly low prices. Even some 260 hp bellancas.

I had thought I could trade her for a two place, in a win-win no tax trade, but even that hasn't worked out.
So hard to accept the idea of flying a C-150, so hard to admit I don't use the goose enough...

So, I'll keep slogging along, trying to make her better in fact, and better looking.
Elbow grease, and spray paint magic. Another learning opportunity. The right person will come along,
and to heck with all this " hey sailor looking for a good time" baloney.

I can see why airplanes get parked, and eventually forgotten, but it's come too far for that.

I think trying to sell has been a big expensive distraction.

Finding a few liquor stores to knock over should be easier. :lol: