Thinking aloud...


New member
I don't get on the board everyday - maybe several times a month - but when I do, I like to read up on what's happening in my forum of interest. That means I must open each topic and catch up on any new posts. I was thinking, what if there was a master topic in the forum which collated all posts chronologically (in that forum) regardless of individual topic. That would be a one stop overview of all posts/comments in my forum of interest, and if a post was particularly interesting then I could open that individual topic and review all related posts. Does that make sense? Does anyone else see any value in that approach? I think this idea would be a simple addition to the board index. Comments?
I look at the Stinson Yahoo Group and this forum almost daily. This one is a hell of a lot better. We just need to get more of the club members to use it. ______Grant