Tie-Down of Decathlon outside in Boulder


New member
I am new to the world of fabric aircraft. I have a real sweetie that I want to keep close to me. I can't get a good read on wether a hanger is a must have or just a real nice to have.

The paint is worn right now but the fabric is good. I have thought about wing covers and waiting to paint until it can be in the hanger. But when the costs are $50 vs $250+ for the hanger at what point do you go for the tie-down and pump the recovered cash back into a revamp now and again?

Help me out please, I know there are opinions out there! 8)


The sun,"UV",is your fabric aircrafts worst enemy.You would really have to sit down and put a pencil to the math to see which way is most cost effective in your situation,also you have to keep in mind the down time to refurbish after the fabric goes bad. The only time my Citabria sees the sunlight is when it's flying.If hangered the Dacron should last almost forever if installed correctly. Anyway that's my two cents.

1980 7GCBC

I have a 74 7ECA that was recovered in 1993 and hangared all its life after that except for 12 months that it sat outside, the time between the death of the rebuilder and the estate selling the plane. The result of the 12 months outside are readily apparant. It sat with its left side facing the southwest and the left rear window is craized and checked from the uv exposure. The numbers are not painted, they are tape and the left numbers are cracked and curled around the edges from the uv. The paint is imron and has some cracks and ringworm from the exposure. UV is not your airplanes friend.


Hangared is obviously best but here are my observations specific to Decathlons.
I own a 76 8KCAB. Always hangared. Alhough I did recover it about 7 years ago its still shiny as a new penny. Prior to recover it spent 90% of it's ground time hangared. The 10% outodoors was butal and obvious (summer only outside).
There is another 76 8KCAB that I see regulary and its 100% outdoors all 4 seasons. It's a mess! Sun , rain, snow is killing it!

Like the other post says. Weigh the costs . Pay now or pay later pretty much sums it up, but it really is the mechancical confidence level that I believe is most important. Not only does the plane start to look crappy with faded paint, crazed plexi, weather checked rubbers, there is accelerated hidden corrosion happening. Then there is the wood to consider. Best to keep that wonderful natures composite as dry as possible.

Sounds pretty bleak ,right? But not really. The Decathlon is a wonderful airplane that is rugged but it is a true composite machi ne. Wood, Fabric, and steel ! Keep it clean and enjoy it for a long time.

As a side note. I have been hoping to talk to someone with a Decathlon operating at high altitudes.
I'm a flatlander and have never had to test my Decathlon at high altitude fields. I am planning a westward journey in the next couple of weeks. THere will be big mountains to cross. Been there before in a 182 and I have had a mountain check but the Decathlon and I will be testing the elements still.
Can you tell me your mtn experience with your Decathlon? How is the t/o off performance and service ceiling?

Looking forward to talking with you. Please e mail me direct if you wish.
My citabria has been outside for the ten years since it was recovered. I bought it about 9 months ago. The red paint has faded, the white paint isn't too bad. The plexi is like new because it's always had a cover. I wish I could hanger it but there aren't any available. One more thing to consider, keeping a plane in a hanger doesn't mean it will be kept dry. Many hangers are damp. A damp, enclosed, non-ventilated hanger can also cause corrosion and rotten wood.
68 7ECA