Tough Market

I doubt any of the rest of you are currently trying to sell your bird, but I was just wondering, if you are, are you having as tough a time moving yours as I am mine. I'm about ready to just cut it loose at a loss just to move on, it's been on the market over a year now, and seems like tough going. Let me know if ya'll are as stuck as me.

Yes, it is a buyers market! I have been involved with two aircraft purchases and the buyers have set the price. What you think the plane is worth is well over what the buyer is willing to pay. It is not like the old days, money is tight and people have this rotten e-bay attitude about planes. They just don't think and then are surprised because you get what you pay for. We Bellanca boys are somewhat of a cult in that we know the plane and what it can do. Lynn N9818B the Crate. :twisted:

It's listed in the classifieds on the club web page, and also If you get me your email address, I'll send you pictures when I get a chance. How's things in Wimberly? I've got a brother in San Marcos, and friends that are vet's in Wimberly (Todd Henry).

Well, small world! Doctor Henry is one of the vets we use (6 + 2 dogs, 3 cats). I should probably tell you that I'm not in the market right this minute for a Bellanca, but I hope to start looking next summer after I get a car paid off. Right now, I'm just trying to get a feel for what's available at which prices (and hoping that they don't go up too far by next year).

My email address is rritter1 -at- austin -dot- rr -dot- com.

I just sold my Tcraft for a good price. Took less than a month and had a back up buyer as well. Was worried about the market being soft but that didn't seem to be the case (or maybe I just got lucky).
Your tcraft falls in the sport pilot rules. There is a new market for anything under 1360 lbs. I believe it is going to help the light aircraft sales. Get more of you old farts back into flying again. :lol: :lol:
Merritt Marquiss said:
I doubt any of the rest of you are currently trying to sell your bird, but I was just wondering, if you are, are you having as tough a time moving yours as I am mine. I'm about ready to just cut it loose at a loss just to move on, it's been on the market over a year now, and seems like tough going. Let me know if ya'll are as stuck as me.

:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:


For some strange reason I've yet to figure out, our wonderful Triple Tails just don't sell very well. I mean, you take a Bellanca, turn it upside-down and stick fixed gear on it and you have a Howard- at least in construction similarities :wink:
What we have is a "sleeper"; possibly THE most overlooked marketable aircraft in aviation history :!:

It's a double-edged sword in this case, This is, no doubt, a classic, fast, and economical aircraft. It's in the same category as the Cessna 170, 172, Piper Warrior, etc. Ours just happens to have retractable gear too! Anyway, it is, IMO, the very best aircraft of this particular horsepower crowd (speaking for the 14-13s). The 14-19 is, of course tops in its horsepower group as well I believe. :D
Trouble is, and I don't know why, these aircraft of ours are the Black Sheep of the Aviation Market. Maybe it had something to do with the bad rap the Franklins got way back when (ripoff artists saying the engines ran too hot), or maybe they're scared because they've seen a few neglected Bellancas on the ramp and figure they're ALL rotten. Whatever the cause, it hurts the resale attempt. For those of us just arriving in the game, it's a financial windfall :lol: Where else can you get a 140mph cruise aircraft that gets a decent fuel burn, has a decent useful load- even with full tanks, and is relatively inexpensive to buy :?:
I know this doesn't help your situation one bit, but maybe you can take some comfort in knowing the aviation community just doesn't know what it's missing 8)

Stepping off the soapbox,

Your take on it is just what mine is. I agree with your points exactly. I'm about to just go ahead and put it up as "first 20k takes it" That's cheaper than anything on the market, but maybe it will move it....heck I don't know. If it weren't for a needing to buy a house, and no time to fly, I'd probably keep it around, unfortunately, priorities aren't always what you think they are.
Let me know if the email link on here goes to your correct address, I'll shoot you an email and you can reply and then I'll send you some pictures. The quick details is in the "fly market/parts bin"...but I can add more if you need me to. I'll sell it at a loss to the right person, but It has to be someone that is going to care for it.


That's the correct e-mail address, however, if the pictures take up alot of space, e-mail me at david(dot)wilkie(at)msfc(dot)nasa(dot)gov

Apologies for spelling it out, but I sure don't want my work e-mail scavenged.
