Towing gliders with a 14-19-2?


New member
Oh boy, oh boy, will I survive this one... :)

Is it possible to (or has anyone in known history) tow a glider with a 14-19-2?
I regularly tow low performance gliders at 60-70 IAS MPH, which seems doable on a 14-19-2 (I've never flown in one). Some people tow with C182 (same engine) although I have always towed with Pawnees and Callairs.

Regardless of the wisdom, would it be safe tow and would it be feasible to STC a hook for a 14-19-2?

I'd *LOVE* :cool: to tow with one of those...
(daydreaming here...)
Not a daydream------a real nightmare!!!! Lynn the crate 14-19-2 owner and glider pilot 1-26 :shock:
Lynn, thanks for answering!
I understand that the 14-19-2 is not a Pawnee to tow day-in-and-day-out, but for the occasional tow-for-fun and/or glider-tow-sign-off seems (to me) like a viable proposition.
Would it be a nightmare to tow/be-towed, or would it be a nightmare to get the hook installed/signed-off?
I've never flown a 14-19-2, but I have hundreds of hours in Super Viking, and drawing from that experience, I don't see a problem from either point of view: tow-plane of glider.
But then again, I've been wrong before...
The Super Viking was powerful, predictable and docile, but I wouldn't tow with it though...
Again, thanks! :)