Triple Tail Tour Logo

Jonathan Baron

New member
I'm looking for a volunteer with some graphics arts skill to design a logo, for patches, caps, and shirts, marking the first Triple Tail Tour. Once I have something suitable, I'll take it from there and create the memorabilia from that.

You've got three Ts, three tails, and a distinctive looking aircraft we all love, to work with.

Attach the low res versions to a post in this topic or, if you'd prefer, send it to me via email.

I am sure we've got the talent and some nifty visual notions among our crew :D

I'm throwing this out as an idea. I'm not a graphics guy but its a place to start. A picture with higher res would be a help.
Your concept is good, IMO.

I've since been cautioned to hold off on getting memorabilia made until we have a firm idea of the numbers we'll be having for the TTT. The poll cut-off date is 4/27. If the numbers are looking good by then it would make sense to get stuff made. It's not that the TTT *needs* such stuff to proceed. The question is whether it can be made without either making someone go significantly out-of-pocket, or charge each tour participant a think-twice-price.

If a graphic is decided on it could be uploaded to a site like Café Press and then each person who wants something can then go to the site a buy what they want. There is no cost to set this up so no one has any out of pocket expense.

Uber Prints also has nice T-shirts that you can personalize. Minimum order is 12. Cost is around $180.00
Here's my idea:


And for the back:

I figured you would, Larry :)

My only concern is that I expect one, if not two Tour participants to be husband and wife owners. Yes, yes it can happen - some very fortunate souls have spouses who love flying as much as they do. In fact the previous owner of my 'Master quit flying when his wife - who handled the navigation duties - could no longer climb into the airplane. Thus the back of the shirt tag line could prove less than tasteful.

Now I know what you guys are thinking of for an bad, bad guys :mrgreen:

Indeed, Larry - no point in catching the Political Correctness Pox....or Plague, depending on how much you HATE that PC business.
Any mods are welcome. If y'all think the back would be too risque' we can leave it off or go with something like "Unknown and unappreciated" or "GA's biggest secret (no matter how hard we try)". :mrgreen:

Maybe a play on a current commercial:

Engine overhaul: $8,000.00
Fabric and Paint: $6,000.00
Owning the best-kept secret in GA: Priceless...

Oh yeah- if you want, I can easily turn the logo into a Cruisemaster or a Cruisair Jr. I just need a good pic of the front of the cowl.
I also like the logo design! I would like to join the west coast tour and get a shirt for me and a shirt for my 7-year old son.

14-13-3 N1413B
I love it. The front looks like the 46 cowling I have hanging in my hanger. I don't care about political correctness. scense there is no minumum maybe have the priceless idea as choice. It is a good one to. I will buy 2 of each. My wife thinks they are both great Ideas. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I especially like the front on logo, I'll definitely be in for a couple. I like to put large emblems like that on the back, and save the front for something smaller over the left breast, as in where a pocket would be, or better yet, could be.