Triple Tail Tour Poll

Interested in or Planning to Attend These Fly-Ins

  • Sun 'N Fun (4/8-4/13)

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Watsonville (5/23-5/25)

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Arlington (7/9-7/13)

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Oshkosh (7/28-8/3)

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Blakesburg (8/27-9/1)

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Lee Bottom (9/26-9/28)

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Reklaw (10/24-10/26)

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Other - Post suggestion to forum

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Jonathan Baron

New member
Bellanca Brethren:

To gauge interest, and help organize the Triple Tail Tour, please take this poll of events we've proposed and discussed on the forum.

Vote for events you are either interested in attending or are planning to attend. I've left out the Columbia and Princeton Bellanca Fly-Ins because plenty of Bellancas will be there by definition (I hope :) )

You can choose multiple events, of course. If you see an event you think would be a good one that's not listed, please suggest one..or more.

Many thanks :!:


I received a call this morning from the Flying M Ranch folks (Reklaw) and put the exact dates into the poll selection.

Keep in mind that you *can* change your vote later if your least that's what a forum software checkbox tells me. Although polling is anonymous, if you're like me you might feel like checking an event box is like signing a contract even though nobody knows you've done it. The point is to gain a sense of interest in various events to know where concerted effort is called for. If two people, for example, are going to Watsonville, that's fine - two Triple Tails at Watsonville beats no Triple Tails at Watsonville - but if ten or twenty people are interested in, say, Blakesburg, then we can do some planning: arrange a rally point near the event, perhaps, and have some of us arrive as a group, or arrange a group dinner, or make hats a tee shirts noting both the Tour and the event, etc.

Which reminds we have anyone out there with a flair for creating graphics...willing to create a logo or TTT image we can use for patches, caps, and shirts? Perhaps that's best left for a separate topic :p

I'm going to be in Orlando on business the week of Sun n Fun. Schedule permitting, I'm hoping for at least a short visit.
I had plans already made for Oshkosh this year but the Cruisair just won't be ready. We're shooting for Reklaw in October.
<sound of an airport paging system>....

Will the person who checked the "Other" box in the fly-in list please pick up the white courtesy phone....and tell us what event you have in mind that's not on the list? :wink:

Hey, it's better than hearing over the radio, "[your tail number], please phone the tower." :mrgreen:
Myself and 8841R would be up for Recklow. The Lee Bottom fly-in looks like fun as well. Unfortunately work has me pretty tied up April-Oct 20th.
Jonathon, It took me months to finally get the computer to accept the email for my regi to the forum pages. I have looked over the data and noticed that I missed the poll for the triple tail tour by one day. I am interested in Arlington and the rest are pipe dreams for me this year. Can I still vote on the poll? Looking forward to more communication in the future. Brian Farrell 9842B 7678B member 4094
Hey Brian! Glad to hear that your problems with email and this forum are over...for awhile there is felt as if we were trying to shout messages to each other from either side of a waterfall.

People pretty much finished voting weeks ago. Now we organize events around the top vote getters: make sure we get group parking if we can, make sure everyone there meets each other (oddly, there have been many occasions when triple tails show up and - for reasons difficult to understand - their pilots never see each other), get folks in the air at one time for low pass circuits (not formation flights, and not high speed passes...we want people to SEE our airplanes after all), and some manner of public booth or display that we staff on a rotating basis. We have long odds of stimulating interest or awareness by just having a row of abandoned aircraft.

Okay then!

Sorry to be away from this campaign for the past few weeks but I was OBE there for a bit. That’s Overtaken By Events for you who…well…never heard of that obscure acronym.

Here's the essence of things as they stand. Clearly we have an obvious, expressed desire among our brethren to attend Arlington. This is good. Plus there are some committed Bellanca aficionados based there - one who uses a Cruisair as his commercial ticket trainer. Arlington is in. Given, however, that this fly-in is held in a location as Northwest as you can get without crossing into Canada, we can't expect too many folks in the central states, much less the east coast, to attend. Thus we need a point man for Arlington.

What is this point guy and what does he do? Well, thank goodness these events are spread out in time. We will need some manner of booth, display graphics, and I have to talk with our Commander in Chief about matters such as pins, caps, and such that the Club has in stock. What might be very nifty is to dig into the stock of old ads for the various models, enlarge them if necessary, paste them to foam core, and have them pose in front of tour attendee's aircraft as appropriate. In short, we need to establish a fly-in kit of portable booth, supporting graphics, sales goods, and such. The point guy gets this stuff, makes arrangements with the fly-in folks to try and get the attendees parked together, sets the supporting stuff up, and dispenses for volunteers to staff the booth so that the point person doesn't end up feeling like someone drove a drill bit into his head by the time the event ends. Afterward, said point guy packs up the gear, and sends it to the point person for the next event, and so forth.

We also need to encourage attendee's to create "Lookie, lookie at MY airplane!" display signs. If you have it on your word processing software, the best period font that mimics the Bellanca logo for headers is Brush Script MT. If you don't have it, perhaps your local Kinkos does and you can specify it when you make your sign. Or just pick a font that looks right to YOU. Then you can do the sort of, "My Airplane is a Mighty Mighty Airplane," table on your sign that I'm sure you've seen on most fly-in sandwich know...."Top Speed: Warp 9...Useful Load: 10 Metric Tons...Armament: Phasers and Photon Torpedoes," that sort of thing.

Regarding tour specific memorabilia, we need to deal with the reality that this ain't the Cessna Pilots Association - not that we'd want it to be <shudders at the thought>, but the point is that if we could fill the sky with Triple Tails we wouldn't need the Tour to begin with. In short, we're probably going to need a collection - in advance - to buy such stuff if we want to have it. This is a Club event and the Club doesn't have any Swiss Bank Accounts. event. Oshkosh received as many votes as Arlington.....uh....I'm going to pester Robert about this one, as he goes regularly to this, and has promoted our glorious cause in the past. Same suggestions apply. If you want a bragging plaque (that sign thing discussed above) there, perhaps it should be the size of the screen at a drive-in movie theater...KIDDING!

The biggest vote getter was, no surprise, Lee Bottom. First we need a point guy. This event presents challenges the others thus far discussed do not, namely places to stay if you're not camping, and the need for a couple of folks to rent a car or minivan. Thus WE NEED EVERYONE GOING TO THIS EVENT (and probably the folks going to the other ones) TO COMMUNICATE BEFOREHAND. The easiest way is for people to simply send me email (use the envelope icon, as I dare not post my email address here, as I'm getting really tired of email asserting that my "love muscle" or whatever they're calling it this week is in need of help. Just let me know which event you're going to and give me permission to add you to my list and write to you all as a group to open group communications. Nothing technical. Just a bunch of email addresses to include on pertinent planning emails. I could do a group alias or something, but then people would not be able to communicate to individuals within the group, and talk – backchannel – about the people on the list they hate.

Sadly, we did not get a whole bunch of interest in Blakesburg. This means you all suck and I hate you. What it actually means is that this is not a tour event, which is just as well because Blakesburg has a huge and interesting theme this year that would preempt anything else: lots of mail planes to mark the 90th anniversary of least I think it's the 90th. With a probable turnout of all sorts of rare surviving airmail aircraft, all of which make loads of noise, I doubt this would be the best year to try and make a "Hey, look at us!" statement there.

Okay, and lastly, we have the final event of this tour and probably the fly-in season: Reklaw in Texas. Great fly-in, wonderful final event, good pig...good, slow roasted barbequed pig...the kinda pig that makes me oh so glad I pay no attention whatsoever to Jewish dietary laws...pig of such thoroughgoing excellence that it makes me pity the entire Islamic world. I know, enough already with the pig. If for no other reason, we must show up to console poor Joe Sills about the sad fact that there is no parts manual for the 14-19 he's restoring...which I hope will be there...oh, Joe? We also need a Reklaw point person.

That's more than enough for now. My Bellanca's ready (thank the benevolent forces of the universe for Russell Williams), get your Bellanca ready, pray for Lynn and his crate, feel sorry for Dangerous Dave, and spread the word to your Bellanca buddies who still HATE the internet.

10-4 Eleanor...

There were two of us at Sunday Funday in Moraine, Ohio Sunday. The weather was perfect for a fly-in.

Moraine has been the site for the neither coast Luscombe fly-in for many years, Kevin. I must have tried to get there....heck, I don't know how many times, but it's held mid-summer and there always seems to be SOMETHING that happens...major nasty weather enroute, godawful boomers, even tornadoes. One day, day...