"Unanswered posts"


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Search found 207 matches most but not all could use a answer or two thanks.

How many unanswered posts were in the triple tail forum, Mike?

I find a lot in the Viking forum, mostly because they split off and founded their own email list.

Keep in mind, as well, that this joint ain't exactly jumping. We had a flurry of activity here when a new owner - the Cincinnati Kid - showed up with plenty of questions. Nobody had anything to say about the Yankee pitcher who chose death over busting airspace when flying the East River VFR corridor (or maybe it was his instructor who was with him who made that tragic choice).

I too hate to see posts unanswered, but this forum is for a current fleet of perhaps 400 aircraft, probably fewer. Airknockers have many times that number. I've tried but it's difficult to get a good conversation going here probably because we are so few, and few of us are online and members of this forum, alas.

I would have thought that if I asked about 337’s for slitting a nose bowl on a Cruisemaster,190, the flood of returns would jam the internet. As yet not returns.
If you look at the topics, most of them have lots of views but no replies so people are looking at them but chosing not to get involved. I think a good deal of them get answered privately but that does not help the group or allow a new member to search for an answer from the archive. All and all I have gotten good response but the responses have come from only two or three of the same members. This is much different then other type clubs I have been involved in that are much more active.

The Cincinnati Kid.
You're quite right, Cincinatti. I also belong to a Luscombe newsgroup (an email list actually) and if you hit Send with a tech question, you have an answer by the time you return from the kitchen with your coffee. I don't think this has much to do with greater public spiritedness among the Luscombe folks. Rather it's a case of sheer numbers (over 2000 Luscombes are still flying), and the fact that the Luscombe is a simple airplane compared to our rides.

In your case particularly I empathise. When I first bought my triple tail my thirst for knowledge was keen. The Club has all manner of bundled back issues dating back two Clubs ago that have a wealth of all sorts of info.

Many posts are read and not answered because folks either don't know the answer, or feel odd about posting. In my experience with online communities, the latter covers some eighty percent of the membership. This is simple human nature. Thus I'd be reluctant to assign apathy.

I could be full of it, of course :) I often am.

One of the short comings I see with forums in general is that the conversation gets off the topic in each heading area. So I will answer Jonathan Baron Jonathan Baron’s question bout nose bowls under the heading of Nose Bowls.