Up grading the circuit breaker panel.


New member
Has any one up graded to the new circuit breaker panel to replace the fuse type panel. I have seen on the face book page where some one did the up grade with a carbon fiber panel and it looks like this would be a great up grade. I have a 1976 KCAB and would like to up grade if possible.

I removed the fuses and installed new circuit breakers in my 1975 8KCAB when I rebuilt it. I used the original plastic panel and painted it to match other interior parts.
By the way if you are into the electrical system that far ACA recomends that you accomplish Service Letter 418 "Electrical system upgrade". I have an unpoened kit form ACA I would sell for $160 with free shipping. The current cost of the kit from ACA is $315. You can read the Service Letter at http://www.americanchampionaircraft.com/assets/sl418a.pdf
Bill B
Bill if you still have the upgrade kit, please give me a call or email me.
Ethan E
I am an IA and see no need for a field approval because it is replacing old factory parts with new factory parts.
As mentioned above, you might consider doing the electrical upgrade Service Letter 418 at the same time.
Bill B
I bought Bill's upgrade kit to put in my 79' SuperD, but sold that airplane and bought an 05'. I still have the kit and will sell it to anyone interested for the same price Bill sold it to me for.