Usable Fuel in 7ECA 13 Gallon Tanks


New member
I have not been able to find out what the usable fuel is in the 7ECA fuel tanks. Does anyone know what it is?
Good question. I've got the same tanks in my '65 ECA and can't find anything that says it can't access every drop. Not that I believe that of course.

I think the gauge (single gauge in right wing root) says "26 gal usable" or something like that. The only other reference to unusable fuel that I have seen is in regard to checking W&B
Thanks. I would believe 26 gallon in tanks but not all is usable. Funny that Bellanca never shared this info.
What I did to determine the fuel capacity of my 65 7ECA (nominally 39 gal) was to fly until I had just a small amount of fuel (~10 gal) remaining, then tied down the tail (blocked up to normal flight attitude), and drained almost all the fuel. I then got in, started the engine, and ran it until it quit (fuel starvation). I then filled the tanks, 2gallons per wing at a time, while also marking a fuel dipstick. My 39-gal tanks took 39 gallons to fill. So I guess the unusable fuel (6lbs, per the TCDS) means that the tanks are really 40 gallon tanks, but labeled with their “useful capacity” instead...

By the way. I also calibrated my dipstick with the tail down in “taxi” position... The dipstick doesn’t show anything until there are 10-11 gallons in each wing... So when I fly with my instructor, I fill to the dipsticks lowest reading with the tail on the ground for a total of 20 gallons. Up I mostly use the dipstick as a “sanity check” for the fuel flow meter I spinstalled. It is deadly accurate in terms of fuel burn, but you still have to watch for leaks and /or fuel theft if you’re ever tied down outside... (Ask me how I know...)