Value of the -2 compared to the 260 series


New member
I've noticed an interesting trend in the selling prices of our birds.

Cruisairs seem to be fairly happy selling between 18-25k in decent shape

14-19's seem to draw a much smaller amount below 20k usually do to the 0-435, which I understand

14-19-2's seem to command prices in the 30-40k range fairly comfortably

Then you have the 260s

The single tail 260s seem to mirror -2 prices for the most part

A friend of mine is selling a triple tail 260 with 500 smoh and vfr panel for 22k!! Why such a lower value for the triple tail 260s compared to the single tail?

The viking then seem to return to the 35-40k range.

While we all agree that the bellanca line is undervalued as a whole, why such an outlier for the triple tail 260?
I will take a guess at this after following Bellancas for the last quarter century. The -2s have an almost cult following. Considered the best of the triple tails and a real classic. The -3 triple tails are a great cross country machine but the type of person looking for a high speed cross country plane are (my guess) probably put off by the ancient look of the triple tail where the 260 single tail looks like almost any other modern airplane. It is more a matter of peoples perception rather than the value or performance of the planes. Compare a 1960 Bellanca to a 1960 Bonanza and you will see the price difference is high. People will go for the Dr/Lawyer Killer before the Bellanca. Makes no sense to me but that seems to be the case. This is just my opinion. _____Grant.
I think Grant covered most of it. There's also a couple of practical advantages to the single tail 260 compared to the triple tail 260: 300lbs higher gross weight, included on many more STCs (like all the autopilot STCs), "modern" look, etc. That being said, I wouldn't give up my triple tail 260 for any of the other Cruisemasters. Maybe a Super Viking, but probably not.
I guess for someone like me who is truly obsessed with the triple tail look (honestly the larger triple tails on the -2 were actually a factor in my decision to upgrade) I would choose a triple tail 260 over a single tail 260.
The triple tail 260 is "cool" while I see the single tail 260 as just a viking knock off. Why not just buy the Viking?
It's an interesting world we live in
From my reading (not from actual experience) I would say the difference between a late 260 and an early Viking would be fuel burn and from 3 to 5 thousand dollars more for an overhaul. I personally like the Triple Tail, and would prefer it to a newer 260, but I am not the average buying public. _____Grant.
I am in the cult, having drank the cool-aid.
There are several social advantages to the conventional gear triple tails.
When you show up for pancakes in a high-performance tail dragger you are automatically granted “real pilot” status and parked in the front row. The folks in the tower ask what it is and what year is it. There is always a group on the ramp looking at it. When I show up at the airport in the C150 it just isn’t the same. :D
I agree totally with Ralph. However our little secret is that the -2 is actually easier to land than many of those trike planes out there.
Rob58 said:
I agree totally with Ralph. However our little secret is that the -2 is actually easier to land than many of those trike planes out there.
BS Robbie.. I've owned them both. They're both equally easy. If you're so inclined, you can romp on the brakes on a -3 without as much worry..
The -3 is fuel injected.. better fuel burn but the real advantage appears when you peer into the jugs and pull the plugs... 6 identical cylinders.. the fuel computer on mine confirms it.. 6 identical bars.
then there's that 30 extra horsepower..
a -3 will severely outclimb a -2 with similar loads.
Some would point to the extra weight of the nosewheel and it certainly out there.. I've carried mine around while overhauling it and can say it's not all that much weight..
some quirks.. the forward-retracting mains and that monster engine makes the -3 feel a little more nose-heavy, and there's NO room between the back of the engine and the firewall. The fuel-injection engine pump is on the port side with the fuel line emerging from the firewall on the starboard side; which means a fuel line comes precariously close to the generator belt. I found my line almost worn through during an annual (it's armored now). The FI controls operate backwards from the carb version so the control cables make a huge 180 turn.. not really a problem though.
The cowl on a -3 is fiberglass, less likely to get creased or dented and MUCH easier to make repairs if need be. The port muffler is rather close and I've seen some cowls with heat damage - very easy to add heat shields and problem gone. Also, the cowl is attached just like a Cessna and is a snap to remove/install.
I can tow my -3 with my golf cart using a piper towbar.. comes in handy at shows.. and speaking of shows...
I get put up front too, largely because there are NEVER any other triple-tails... :) I keep looking for yours since I know you're not far from me but I've had a triple tail for 7 years now and never seen another one... It's amazing to me how often I get the "what is it?" question.
But alas, mine is up for sale... Retirement is coming, big corp bought the little corp I worked for and left me out in the cold.. time to let my hot rod go. should be on Barnstomers in a month or too.

Now fully IFR with dual Navcoms, GPS and ADS-B transponder - all garmin. HSI and full engine management. Very sweet plane to fly IFR. trims nice and rock-steady on approaches.

Why is a -2 more valued than a -3? dunno, there's no logic to explain it.. then again, why a J3 so much more than a Champ? no accounting for taste.
Why is a J3 worth more than a super viking? The world will never know...
Must be all of those expensive radios they don't have
Bill… peace my friend! The -3 is easy to land and was not included in my derogatory comment about the trikes. I am an equal opportunity lover of the triple-tails (having just retrieved a carcass of an abused -3 which I now have as a parts plane to add to my fleet). I hope that fate somehow allows you to hang on to 05R – after your radio upgrade it’s got to be the nicest triple-tail beauty out there (not including our 3-bladed prop super-mod friend). Your detailed comments and general help to all on this forum has been priceless!