Weight and Balance


New member
I had an interesting discussion with another Citabria pilot concerning pilot and passenger weight limitations. He contended that the maximum allowable weight limit was 250lbs since the loading graph in the POH only shows data for pilot or passengers up to 250lbs. I contend that the only weight limits are the 100lbs in the baggage compartment since it is placarded and explicitly listed in the POH and the weight and balance limits for the aircraft. Anyone care to offer an opinion?
I believe you are right. I have an original weight and balance chart for a 1965 7ECA and the pilot weight stops at 150 lbs and the passanger 200 lbs. If the 150 lbs. was a limit, the aircraft would be severly restricting. The weight moment is linear, I believe you can extrapolate information by extending these lines. It would seem to be the important issue is that you are under the gross and that your CG is withen the operating range for the type of flying you plan to do (Aerobatic VS Normal).

I do find the aircraft somwhat limiting especially in the aerobatic category. This has not been a problem for me. I simply need to be aware of the possible limitations and do a weight and balance prior to acro with unfamiliar loading combinations.
