What did you do with your triple tail today? Part 1


New member
I assembled the cylinders back on the 150 Franklin yesterday that I picked up in Alabama last week, now to finish all the small stuff.
Nice Edward! Maybe you ought to make the trip down the coast a little further to KSBP and let me buy you lunch. It's been some nice flying weather...
I buffed the right wing after repairs where done on installing new fuel tank in to wing, blended the dope to old, not quite happy with it so heading to Preferred air parts tomorrow to look for a closer matching dope, sure wish some one would of said what color in the log books!
Rob58 said:
Nice Edward! Maybe you ought to make the trip down the coast a little further to KSBP and let me buy you lunch. It's been some nice flying weather...

Sounds good. I am little sad I didn't bring oxygen that day because I could have easily been in the 200 knot club.
60 knot uppers and smooth and 15 knot lowers.
The way a triple-tail Bellanca climbs effortlessly through 10,000 I wonder just how high I could really go... what a great airplane!
I finished replacing left wing tank and redoping the area around the tank, waiting a couple days to dry well, then sand and spray some more to build up and have a smooth wing area.
My propeller is back from being blessed and I am able to fly again!
The last time I posted a photo of my instrument panel there were complaints that the leather wrap on my yokes looked ratty, and I was going slow. So, here is a photo with new wraps going really fast.