What prop for O-200 7ECA?


New member
I have a '65 7ECA with an O-200. What prop was it originally delivered with, both diameter and pitch? I'm wondering if mine was changed at some point. It's making static RPM of 2450 which American Champion says is good. Just wondering if it is the correct prop.

From the original General Aircraft Information and Service Manual Report 7GAI-S-1 Champion Aircraft Corporation Osceola, Wi. Approved by L. G. Nelson on 2/11/65 there were two props. shipped on the 7ECA. They are:
1 McCauley 1A100AGM6945 -- Static RPM Limits 2600
2 McCauley 1A100AGM6948 -- Static RPM Limit 2400

I believe from these numbers both were 69 in diameter and one was a 45 pitch while the other was a 48 pitch.

Hope this helps.

OK, so mine is the 48 inch pitch, 69" dia. prop. I get 2450 RPM static. This is newly rebuilt aircraft with an empty weight of about 1050 lbs.

The thing is the performance is terrible. Long takeoff rolls. Poor climb. Doesn't climb much at all till IAS is 80-85 mph. Flew it at a little less than max gross (maybe 75 lbs. less) and had a climb of only 100 fpm at 7500 MSL, ISA +10F. Gave up trying to make 8000 MSL.

Thought it might be the prop but I guess not.

Rigging seems good except it takes about the maximum right rudder trim I can give it.

Any thoughts?
Hi neoflyer, I don't have a 7ECA, my plane is a 7DC that has everything to make it a 7EC, I have the 0-200 engine and the prop is a McCauley DCM 6948 on takeoff my RPM's are 2490 (just a hair under 2500) last night on TO 73*F 1400 msl 2200' DA the wheels were off the ground in about 600' and climb out was 600 fpm, now I know I'm not near your alt. or DA but just trying to give you some thoughts on how other planes preform. Empty WT is about 900 lbs had 20 US gals of 100LL I come in at 220 lbs (I had a light supper). How is your engine does it have good comp on all the cylinders,just one low cyl can really effect performance and is your tach reading accurately, if its been in service for a time it could be off. Just some things to think about.
Static RPM is 2450 read on a hand held, electronic tach, very accurate. That is at the high end of RPM so the power must be good, as I understand it.
My neighbor has a 75 HP 7BC. We took off at the same weight one day and he had a much shorter takeoff and really outclimbed me despite having 25% less horsepower.
I also have an O-200A powered 7ECA and have to agree that climb and take-off performance is less than stellar. However, I have the 6948 prop and I get a static rpm of 2550 to 2600RPM indicated on the tach. A while back I had some issues with the carb and was only getting about 2450RPM which made the plane an absolute dog. Have you had any work done on the carb?
I don't get on this side of the board very often............However, I'm old enough to have experienced renting a brand new, single digit s/n Champion 7ECA in 1965. The rate was the same as a brand new 1965 Cessna 150. I considered my time in the "Champ" more valuable. I flew quite a few airplanes off the airport in Colorado Springs at 6200 msl. You will be familiar with the term "density altitude", when the temperature reaches 80F. The "Champ" did 'OK'. You have to realize that you can't expect the 'world' out of 100HP. These airplanes were well finished for the time and I'm sure that a 7ECA of the era weighed in at least 200 pounds more than a decent 85 Champ. So, all you owners of O-200 7ECA...........just enjoy the lower fuel flow. Dan