What were the original paint schemes?


New member
Does anyone have good color photos that they can post of what the original paint schemes looked like for the cruisair? I'm specifically interested in the 1949 Model year, but I think the perhaps 1946 Red/White/Black scheme is particularly snazzy.... :D
Here is an ad on Ebay that purports to be from 1949. Shows a solid red with creme striping. Pretty sharp looking.


If I had unlimited funds, I'd probably paint mine like this one as seen in Plane and Pilot but I'd trade red for navy blue


It would be nice to see the original paint look for Cruisemasters. The Bellanca 14-19 1950 and Northern/ Downer 57,58. LYNN :roll:
I must say, originality aside, most 14 series Bellancas paint schemes were not as dazzling as the Hubble illustration Tim found, with the Diana Creme trim and dazzling red. Most of these aircraft were cotton covered; the original colors tend toward the monochromatic, and, thus, were seldom duplicated at the first recover.

The best color jobs I've seen do what a fine suit of clothes are meant to accomplish: diminish flaws while accentuating the more attractive features. For example, all 14 series Bellanca fuselages are as boxy as a shipping crate. Light, single colors make this all the more obvious. Thus, two tone paint schemes (lighter color on top please, with a deep color for most of the fuselage) work well. Or simply a deep color alone will work nicely. What you're looking to accomplish is to capture and highlight the curve along for upper forward fuselage and diminish the slabs farther down.

Trim really helps to break up the monotonous slabs as well. In 14-19s Bellanca went so far as to have stainless steel trim. This was ultimately reduced to the cowl and front cockpit on both sides. Though I believe I have original trim for the whole damn thing, fastening it past the front cockpit area presents problems extremely far down on my most wistful to-do list.

Another area where many owners see less than sterling aesthetic appeal are those D windows illuminating the rear seats. Some owners resort to a shadow technique, casting a painted shadow beyond the window that does not terminate into a D. This was the approach the previous owner of my 'Master employed and I think it works well.

The most novel solution I've seen is to put round windows, resembling portholes in place of the killer Ds. Of course, most owners think the D windows are just fine as they are.

Finally, the classiest touches a 14 can have are those wonderful NC numbers applied to the wings. I wish to heck I had those. Apart from adding a charm that only aircraft from that era can legally employ, they draw attention to the 14 series most drop-dead-gorgeous feature of all: those magnificent wings, at the core of which lay their creator's distinctive genius. No NACA number airfoil for these, no sir. Their airfoils are the Bellanca B or, in aviation speak - and far more apropos: the Bellanca Bravo!

Oh hell....just toss a nice color on your bird and go flying :)

Here's a link to a black and white photo that shows the original trim to good effect. Colors are Vermillion with Tuscon Cream trim.

The second photo is what I intend to do on my Cruisair to kind of break up the box look.

:D :D
Jonathan, I missed you at Blakesburg but ran into Russ W. and told me that you were not up for it yet. Good to hear from you again. There were two Cruisemasters including mine at AAC Fly-in. no Cruisairs. Both the Cruisemasters had their own paint just as you said. In my plans are recover and original paint scheme. Mine was Bahama Blue and Daytona white. It was repainted in 76 with Fleet turquoise and off white(hot colors circa 1958). Looks good from 20 feet but was done in Imron and that is really starting to crack up. :roll: LYNN