where to get good muffler 7 GCBC


New member
Where is the best place to buy a muffler for 75 7 GCBC? My baffel is out and my mechanic requests a new or rebuilt before sign off
Dawley Aviaton in WI will 'rebuild' what you already have. A 'rebuild' entails saving the hole the air goes thru and building a new muffler around it. They don't have PMA for 'new', so that's how they get around it. They did a 7ECA muffler for me last week for $275 and change. I'll have to wait til I get home to get a phone for you if you're interested. They do gorgeous work...shipping was $20 round trip.
We can get you a new one.I don't recommend it personally.

Dawley makes them for us. They are certified to do a repair and they will replace as much as 99% of it, if it needs to be done. They will basically fix anything that can remotely be fixed. Realize they own the tooling that it was made from in 1975. Conveinent that its only 5 miles from us, eh?

I know I talked us right out of a sale, but its not really a part we 'make'. If you are forced into new, then yes, you should call ACA for the legit version.

Now that I think about it, are you sure they dont have PMA?
Not 100 percent sure, Jerry....just passing along what my mechanic told me, but I have heard it before.

Jerry's right. Dawley is the best and will bend over backwards to make you a good product. 800-338-5420. Please let them know we sent you. ... and we get half the peanuts ;-) (you'll see!)
