Where to put the OAT probe?


New member
I've got a JPI engine monitor in my 8KCAB. I've decided to add an OAT probe. I haven't found a great spot to mount it. Any ideas? I thought about one of the fresh air vents on the side aft of the cowling. I would like it in a spot where the hole could be fixed if someone, at some point in time, didn't want that ugly thing sticking out somewhere. Initially, I thought about the fresh air vent at the right wing root, but it would be mightily difficult to get it in there. The unit comes with about 3 feet of wire, so I'm quite flexible as to where I could put it.

Any ideas?


I put my probe in the bottom of the right wing root fairing. About 3" from the leading edge. This way it's only a small piece of tin to replace if needed.

I added a JPI to my 8KCAB this winter and put the OAT probe in the hole ACA had drilled in the windshield for the factory OAT gauge (just below the left wing root). This probably doesn't help you much if you don't already have a hole there, but I'm like you, I didn't want to be adding more holes to my airplane than necessary.
