which is landing which is taxi?


New member
I just got my wings on my 14-19-2 project and am trying to wring the wiring out (which was cut unmarked) which of the landing lights should be wired to the first position and which should come on with the switch pulled all the way out? thanks Ken
Ken, I think you will need to make your own decision here because your lower panel has been modified somewhere along the line. On all of the 14-19-2 panels that I have looked at the landing / taxi light switch is a 3-position toggle switch (see picture). Push it to the left and the landing light is on; flip it to the right and you get the taxi light. Center position is "Off". Now, the push-pull switch next to the landing/taxi switch controls the nav lights - this is an on-off 2-position switch. So I went back to my collection of pictures where I happen to have a picture of the panel on your plane that I received a few years ago from a previous owner. Your panel was definitely modified with different switches. My suggestion would be to wire the landing light to the full "out" position - just like most older automobile headlight switches. Push it in a notch after landing for the taxi light. Just my 2-cents on this... Rob
Thanks Rob....that makes sense! Which of the lights out in the wing is the landing light and which is the taxi light? I can't seem to see that one is tilted differently from the other sitting in the hangar. The guys who cut all the wing root wires without marking them gave me quite a gift! It is great visual progress to get the wings on. The prop shop is building me a propeller and a friend has an engine for me.......so I hope to be flying in the spring (which starts in June in WY)
On my -2 the taxi light is the inner one the outer one is the landing light.

My toggle switch runs both lights in the land position and just the taxi light in the right taxi position. The wiring diagram in the operator’s manual shows this setup as well.
I would agree with those above and say to wire both the landing and taxi light to the "land" position and then just taxi light to the "taxi" position.
Once the tail settles, the landing light doesn't light much in the immediate vicinity of the aircraft, so having it on automatically is a nice safety.
While you're at it, throw some LED lights in, you won't regret it.