Windshield care


New member
What's the best thing to use to keep the front winshield in the Citabria clean? Windex? Can you use RainX on thw windshield?
Water and a clean T-shirt, never use cloth towels or anything paper because they can scratch.

To make cleaning easier I suggest a good wax, I use Rejex but any good wax is fine. Plexius is very popular but doesn't dissolve bugs as well as water and leaves a very slight film that attracts dust.

I specifically use Rejex on the interior windows because it's very difficult to polish the film left from Plexius, one good interior cleaning in the spring and a no touch the windows rule.

Ditto on the lemon pledge! Make sure to use a very wet clean cotton towel first and pick up all the dust and bugs. No circular motions!!